Activated Charcoal Mask With Detox Effect

Activated charcoal can also be used as an external agent for detoxification and removal of keratinized cells from the skin of the face, as well


Activated Charcoal Mask With Detox Effect

Activated charcoal can also be used as an external agent for detoxification and removal of keratinized cells from the skin of the face, as well as for teeth whitening at home, and removing black dots.

Mask with activated charcoal and gelatin

Activated charcoal in the composition of this mask-film plays a purifying role, it tightens the pores, soothes inflamed skin, splits dirt on problem areas, and smoothers out the skin relief.

Gelatin – creates the desired consistency of the mask. Gelatin contains natural collagen, which is immediately absorbed into the skin and begins its rejuvenation. In addition, the gelatin contains a protein, which takes part in the metabolic processes, normalizing the work of cells.

Milk perfectly softens the skin and dissolves activated charcoal with gelatin. Milk has bleaching properties, so it can eliminate redness and irritation on the face.

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In order to properly clean the skin, we make the next mask based on activated charcoal.

Activated charcoal – 1 tbsp;

Lemon juice – 1 tsp;

Yoghurt – 1 tsp

All ingredients are mixed and applied with charcoal for skin cleansing. It is best to make this mask after a bath or porous baths. Take care that the pores on the face are dilated. Apply the mask for 15 minutes. Then wash off with warm water. If desired, after the procedure, you can wipe the skin with an ice cube. It remove the remaining particles of the mask and narrow the pores.

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Mask for oily skin

Pimples, as a rule, appear on oily skin. To avoid this, you can regularly carry out prophylaxis using an activated charcoal mask. To do this you will need:

Activated charcoal – 1-2 tablespoons;

Brown seaweed – 1-2 pcs.;

Water – on request.

Thoroughly crush and mix. There should not be too much water. Make sure that you get a gruel, not a liquid substance. After the mask is ready, put it on your face. Punch the pores beforehand. We hold the mask for 15 minutes, then wash it off with water.

For a greater effect, you can use mineral water without gas. This mask of coal perfectly cleanses the skin and relieves inflammation, and the algae enrich it with useful trace elements and vitamins. In addition, the mask for oily skin perfectly narrows the pores.

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Activated charcoal for the face is one of the best components for home masks. All recipes are quite simple, which does not underestimate their effectiveness. All masks are very popular among the female population. Regularly performing such procedures will significantly improve the condition of your skin. Very soon you will feel that the skin has become radiant, velvety and clean. And this is exactly what we all want.


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